
Magnetism of Oxygen

Magnetism in solid, fluid, and gas form

In our world of solid matter, we have learned how to align the electrons in metals and solid substances in the Earth's atmospheric conditions, and how to magnetize Iron.

Once any metal has gone through the process, it is called magnetic, because it has now the properties of attracting or magnetizing an element containing the same substances.

We also know that Iron particles, after succussion, position themselves perpendicular to the Earth's surface. However, a few people know that the same principle of magnetization applies to the particles of all matter in the universe.

Under Earthly magnetic/gravitational conditions, Iron atoms are the magnetic material for solid state matter, and Oxygen (O2) atoms are the magnetic material for liquid state matter.

Although modern science calls the magnetic behavior of Oxygen resonance, and the information carrier water, it is only the O2 atom that possesses magnetic behavior when in a liquid or gaseous state. Thus, the carrier behavior of water is only due to the magnetic behavior of its Oatoms.

The correct succussion of the electrons of the O2 atoms in liquid water can trigger the same aligning process of its electrons as succussion of the electrons around the Iron atoms in a solid substance by a magnetic field.

In fact any liquid can be made to become a magnet of its own element and interact with similar elements in that environment, as long as the proper movement method is used. Obviously, the same principle applies to gasses.

O2 is actually not magnetic but paramagnetic; it is attracted by the magnetic field but does not remain magnetic once it leaves the field. Gaseous oxygen is also paramagnetic, but is moving too fast to be affected by the magnets. The reason that it is paramagnetic is because the oxygen molecule has two unpaired electrons.

Electrons not only orbit the atom core, they also spin, which creates a magnetic field. Unpaired electrons spin both in the same direction, which increases the magnetic field effect.

When an electron pairs with another electron in the same orbit, the new electron spins in the opposite direction and this cancels the effect of the first electron.

For something to be magnetic or paramagnetic, it must have an inequality in the total electron spin. The quantum number 'ms' represents the magnetic spin of an electron. It can have values of 1/2 or -1/2, and is an important number when dealing with bonding and the Pauli exclusion principle.

When an atom has an equal number of e's +1/2 and -1/2 spins, then they cancel each other out, it is not magnetic but 'diamagnetic'. This is determined by the way the different electron shells (orbits) are 'filled' by the electrons.

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