
Breaking Spells

The performance of spells often involves language. Whether spoken or unspoken, words are frequently used to access some form of power. This is due to a belief in the inherent ability of words to influence the workings of the universe.

A spell, charm or hex is a set of words, spoken or unspoken, for the purpose of invoking some 'magical' effect. Holding someone under a spell by the use of spoken word-formulas is known as an incantation, and may involve an evocation.

An exhortation (command), or a candle is often used to break a spell, jinx or hex (witch), that are linked to sacred grounds, artifacts, beliefs, etc. A ring, involved in a spell, that is broken will also end the particular intent of that spell. Inheriting an ancestral ring that is broken signifies a broken ancestral DNA loop, a liberation from unpleasant ancestral DNA elements.

However, love, appreciation, and compassion are the most powerful spell-breakers. Fear is the biggest spell-binder.

Words are spelled (:-) with letters so as to compose a narrative (using a spell-checker ;-) that is spell-binding.

The word Grimoire (a book of spells ;-), is sonically similar to the word Grammar (the proper order of words in order to create meaning :-).

Spells or enchantments can also be combinations or repetitions of words that are considered to have magic power, but which are not in sentences or verse.

Spells differ from magic symbols, words, patterns, recipes, practices and other forms of magic that were not directly exercised by a collection of words.

11 point circuit Labyrinth and Star

Spell-casting is thus an extension of someone's basic use of language whereby the knowledge of the right words, appropriate phrases, and the more highly developed forms of speech, may give someone a power over and above his/her own limited field of personal non-verbal action.

'Magical' language converts a group of words that describe a situation into symbols for emotions, whereas in scientific language words are tied to specific meanings and refer to an objective external reality. Russophobia and Russia's reactions is a prime example of this.

'Spell' language is therefore particularly adept at constructing narratives or metaphors that hijack the symbols & feelings of joy, and establish illusions & symbols of seriousness and fear that are linked daily to the world's news media.

Thus, regular readers become magnetized and spell-bound to various personal, local/global agendas, issues, and opinions.

Why has the metaphor of the cross been associated for more than 16 centuries with seriousness and suffering of Jesus and us, than with joy for the liberation of the Christ into the etheric, which allows us to set us free from any bondage?


To be spellbound is to have one's attention bound to some thing or someone. This is a mindset operating within specific neurological circuits to which somatic markers are attached.

It binds you to those circuits when your attention is on specific issues, opinions, judgments, or perspectives.

The language of real magic is sacred, set and used for an entirely different purpose to that of ordinary life. They differentiate by word choice, grammar, style, or by the use of specific phrases or forms, such as: prayers, blessings, songs, chants, or (hypnotic) spells.

Sacred modes of language often employ archaic words and forms in an attempt to invoke the purity or "truth" of a religious or a cultural "golden age". The use of Hebrew in Judaism is an example.

Another source of the power of words is their secrecy, exclusivity, and incomprehensibility to most people. It can only be used/interpreted by specialized practitioners (priests, sorcerers, magicians, wizards, mullahs, shamans, healers).

Because of this, real spell casting magical languages violate the primary function of language: communication.

Back to the stars thru the tainted heart and its secret place

Your divine enchantment unites!

Do the books of the major monotheistic religions, such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity, contain language that may evoke enchantment that is associated with good or evil?

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